Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 15:54:36 -0500
From: "Jarvis, Alexander J", Alexander.J.Jarvis "at" nspco.com
Cc: coolkid "at" excite.co.uk
Subject: I Love Studs ( a meme, not a virus )
So, I sent this email a little while ago, and I'm not sure if you got it,
but it made me feel like succchhh aah ssstud, that I just had to resend
it, so here goes................
Isn't a "Queen" the transvestite version of a "Fag".
This may shed a little more lite.....
Male bees are called Drones, they kick it with the "Queen" ( yeah, she gets
more than her share, but she works hard for it, baby. )
Then, there's these other bees, females, but they don't reproduce ( no, not
the hoes, it would "bee" nice if they were, though ).
Do you know what they are called?
( I's the female equivalent of a "Queen", in case you can't figure it out. )
If "Queens" were women, they'd be blocking rivers, Dammit.
If they wore men's clothes I'd be runnin'.
DO YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GETTING AT HERE? Actually, I guess "Queens"
do deserve better than the "Stud" rank, Shit a lot of 'em even got me
fooled...................... How about you, ...........SSSSSSStud
response: I'm a little confused by this message but I'll
do my best to address your concerns.
It's starting to become apparent from reading the feedback that
Rule #8: The Queen is still a
source of controversy. It is clear that there are still some
unresolved issues there.
The Queen terminology was inaugurated into the Rules of
Stud® circa 1996. At this time I believe the slang for
the "Queen" as in "Drag Queen" was not popular. Certainly
no one on our committee was aware of such a term at the time.
Perhaps this rule needs to be updated seeing as how "the Queen"
now has new meaning quite disjoint from to way we're discussing
it here.
As for your discussion involving the female bees I'm afraid I do
not fully understand that feedback at the time of this writing.
Perhaps you could have another go at clearing this up for me.
Or perhaps someone else understands and could clear that up for
those of us who do not understand.