Issues That Remain Unresolved, Ad Referendum*

  1. When have you over-used stud, so that you've actually said it too many times?
  2. "If you overuse it, does it lose its potency?" -Ben
  3. Is there a body language associated with stud usage?

Send Feedback!

We want your contribution! Please send contributions to:
Robert S. Laramee -rlaramee "at"
MarienGasse 5
8020 Graz
Austria (not Australia)
+43 (316) 720-756

Web Sites that have featured The Rules of Stud®

  1. The Shot Gun Rules
If you know of a related web page, please let us know! If you would like a web page listed here, add a link to The Rules of Stud® on the page, and email us the URL of the page that contains the link.

*ad referendum -for further consideration

Logo Contest !

Would you like your artwork seen by thousands of people? Or how about your name immortalized in The Rules of Stud®? The Rules of Stud® is looking for a logo. Please submit your prospective logo to: rlaramee "at" All logos submitten will be shown on a separate page and voted on by you the reader. The one that receives the most votes will be the one featured. If we receive enough good candidates, we may feature multiple logos.