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A Proposal for Helmetless Motorcycle Riding
Publish Date: Tue, Jun 13th 2006
Tags: travel, motorcycle(2) , roethlisberger, helmet, persistent vegetative state, helmet law, mandatory helmet law, possible fascism
This may look like a motorcycle helmet, but in the event of an accident, it's really not that much better than wearing a baseball cap.

The recent motorcycle crash of Ben Roethlisberger[1] brings up an interesting question: if people like BenR are unwilling to make the right choice (the choice to wear a helmet), should he be allowed to make that choice at all?

Only twenty states have mandatory helment laws, where twenty-seven others have laws that target specific groups of riders. There are even people out on the Internet defending their non-helmet use on the grounds that helmets cause a higher incidence of broken necks and therefore are a bad bet[2].

All this means that there are a lot of people out there riding without helmets[3][4].

Roethlisberger has added another data point to my theory that because people oftentimes will not make the right decision w/r/t this subject, the decision should be made for them, in the form of a madatory helment law for all riders[5]. Sound fascist? It could be, depending on your definition of the word oppressive, so I'd like to propose a set of requirements that riders need to meet to be able to ride without a helment[6].

Please note that this list would be unecessary if three conditions were true:

  1. You only hurt yourself when you got into an accident.
  2. You didn't leave dependents behind in the event of your [premature] death
  3. There was no possibility of ending up in long-term critical care (read: a persistent vegetative or quadriplegic/similar state), thereby shifting the [financial] responsbility for your [personal] irresponsibility onto both your fellow taxpayers and those who foot the healthcare bill.

Unfortunately, these conditions are not always true, thereby necessitating my proposal, so here it is:

Requirements for Riding a Motorcycle Without a Helment:

  • If you build your own roads and don't allow anyone else to ride/drive on them.
  • If you're a husband/father (or wife/mother), you need a minimum $500k life insurance policy.
  • If you ride without a helmet, you must waive your right to long-term critical medical care.
  • You must be a registered organ donor.
  • If you do ride sans-helment, and you crash, you need to issue a pseudo-public declaration (assuming you can still (a) think and (b) write) stating:
I [insert name here] made a huge and dumb mistake.


What am I missing?


PS: I'm a [daily] motorcycle rider (of a 2005 Honda CBR 600RR) who both wears a full faced helmet and thinks that helmets should be mandatory in all states [in case it wasn't obvious already].

[1] Among the other prominent motorcycle victims like Jason Williams, Dennis Rodman, Hermann Maier, and Kellen Winslow Jr.
[2] The following (1976!?) study was cited on a messageboard.
See Section III, titled "FINDINGS", text: The distribution by severity of the accidents remained virtually unchanged.
[3] And some of them are even bragging about it. Others, not so much because (a) they're dead (b) they've lost the ability to speak due to severe brain damage or (c) they can't talk because their jaws are wired shut from a motorcycle accident that occured while the rider wasn't wearing a helmet.
[5] And not those candy-assed little yarmulke-type helments that chopper riders like Jesse James use ... if you crash and hit your face and/or jaw while wearing one of those, you're toast.
[6] After all, I'm all for personal freedom and responsibility, including the right to do really stupid things.