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Supercharged: The Sequel
Publish Date: Tue, Apr 29th 2008
Tags: technology(6) , arts and crafts,
Here's the front view, with two phones, an iPod, a Digital Camcorder, and a radio plugged in.
This view may be clearer.
Here's the inside. Holy hannah look at all of those wires!
Here's the inside with no shelf.
And here's the inside with some wires removed.
The back has two ports for plugging in stuff like radios and lamps, plus the power strip feed.

I was completely inspired when I saw this box, whose original raison-d'être goes a little like so:

Every electronic gadget we buy seems to come with its own proprietary charging cord and adapter. I've been wanting to make a charging center to hide the resulting ugly and inconvenient cord soup residing in the bin on our kitchen counter.

I followed the lead of the Two Loose Teeth crew and used a similar box and bookplates, but I also made a couple of modifications:[1]

  • I built a small shelf inside to hold three chargers, which are shown on the left-hand side of image #3 below:

    1. One AA/AAA battery charger
    2. One digital camera battery charger
    3. One camcorder battery charger

  • I added a couple of bookplates in the back so I could plug my radio into the back, and possibly a lamp.
  • I added an additional power strip so I could get all of the stuff plugged in.
  • I also added a sort of pocket on the inside to hold miscellaneous charging-station-related junk, like batteries.

Note: images are clickable to make them bigger

[1] Yes, that's duct tape. Yes, I am a total hack.